Monday, 21 March 2011

Cities of Delusion

I recently arrived in singapore, a place I only visit out of necesity. deflecting the deluge of pro consumerist society led me into an introspective and hypnotic state. in this state, within an almost perfect machine of mankind, an epiphany of sorts entered my head. it was something along these lines:

When we submerge ourselves in a world of distraction through over work and unnecessary want, we are removing ourselves from the world.

Inside an air conditioned car distracted by anything and everything, we are not in touch with the living world.

Absorbed and consumed by uninspiring visual media in our homes be it TV, Face book, Blogger we are not in touch with anything in the real world.

There is something inherently wrong with this, and it seems driven by a fear of reality, of ourselves of the mirror of silence. Thinking of this causes me to spiral in an introspective melancholy, the cause mimicked by the result. So, to aspire to something real, these  ideas crossed my mind.

Walking and camping in the forests content with the sounds and sights therein, we are in touch with the world.

Sitting in the water for 4 hours enjoying the spoils of it's beautiful rhythm, we are in touch with the world and a it's acute reality.

locked into the interactions of other humans, face to face, heart to soul, feeling each others emanation through words and body language and tone and gesture, we are in touch with humanity.

In photogtraphy I wallow in the grey between the extremes, striving to show beauty in what we've created, mimicking the minds of those of delusion.... But I do this in the hope that one day people can find another beauty in life, another peace, another way. It seems like civilisation took a wrong turn two thousand years ago and was too stubborn to turn back. now we are lost.

Maybe I can 'Heal by Photo'........... I can certainly try. Images can be a powerful reminder of our failures.

Coming soon. The images inspired by this inner turmoil.