Monday, 30 January 2012

From the Mountains to the Shore

I was actually just heading in the direction we call 'Kaja', meaning toward the mountain, to pick up my favourite coffee on the island.... I came back with this selection and a Kilo of my favourite blend. 'Kelod' I went as I journeyed home and to the beach to quickly catch a sunset, with only the 'heat' of the moment. An enjoyable afternoon indeed in the back countries of Bali, reminding myself why i chose to live on this island. It's truely beatiful when you ignore the mess from the west.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Lasska T.I.A.L.S - Georgina Soloman

A recent shoot saw me in midst of a creative melee. An enjoyable state of mind to say the least, ideas bouncing and ricocheting around the room like rogue shrapnel embedding themselves deep inside the project in hand. The shoot was for Lasskaa, an innovative, creative footwear label punting out some sexy pumps and sleek unisex shoes. You can buy them online at Solestruck.
And here are the spoils of our creative warfare.....

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Part 1 - Heal by Photo @ Deus Ex Machina

For a few months of this summer past I was shooting in and around the Deus phenomenon. Travels, Events, Sunshine, Surf, Bintang and good times littered the way. Here's a little collage of images from that Era of the Heal by Photo journey.

Part 2 Heal by Photo @ Deus Ex Machina

And here's the remainder..... for some reason, there are limits on this thing they call Blogger... alot of limits, so excuse the smaller size and fluctuating resolution.... My html limits were pushed on this one. Enjoy.