After shooting my Berlinfra red project, I've discovered the possibility of having a dedicated digital camera for infra red which reduces the shutter speeds to those of standard daylight photography. I was shooting from 15 - 30 seconds depending o the time of day. Looking at the clarity and sharpness of other photographers work in infra red I craved that sharpness in my images, craved the lack of blur.

After consideration and the continued development of my film photography I've decided to appose this direction into sharp clean hyper focal images but why: the beauty is in the blur! I love to allow the wind to paint dreaminess into the willows by the rivers and let long shutters speeds smooth rippled waters to a surreal state of calm. clarity and sharpness is proven by observing very close, the image in question. mankind have been looking closer and closer at the world for the same reason, Clarity. maybe it's about time we stepped back a little, or a lot and enjoyed the image in it's entirety, allowing the beauty of the blur to pacify our lust for perfection.

I'm off to another realm for a journey and an adventure. I will bare the above in mind throughout my peregrination of Indonesia.... Jogyakarta to Bali by road.
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