Tuesday, 10 May 2011


As life succeeds itself through the process of time, relentlessly and without consideration for those who wish to  relish a single moment; I have become aware of an incomprehensible, space time ignoring, rubber-like fibre connecting me with those most important to my journey.  What a sentence that was... with a nice milky clarity to it. Ambiguous yes, but when you become aware of it the ambiguity dissolves like two plinks and the fizz of your hang over cure.

These connections seem inescapable; I'm trying as we speak but maybe their relevance cannot and will not be ignored. They connect me to people, situations, memories, patterns, the unlearned lesson and life rebounds me back to these effectors. It appears they are not done with me yet. I’m completely sure those in question are completely unaware of the magnitude of their influence. As am I.

I have a Theory. Here it is:

My theory is that in this life we learn from those who learn from us and if we don't get stuck in the interconnectivity these relationships propagate, we progress rapidly and without limit. The necessary capacity one must have for this process is acceptance, accepting that you have learned and taught what was available to the two interlocutors involved and excepting that being consumed with everything around the interaction, the purpose of this phase, and gelling with it on an unnecessarily permanent basis, will impede your progress. Maybe this is why some religions believe in many lives and reincarnations, too much to be expected to learn in one lifetime by a fair God anyway.

Breaking these attachments is hard and unnecessary, wives, children, friends, loved ones etc.... I suppose I'd like to be able to manage them differently, without jealousy or resent and hope and belief in the abilities of all around me. This is hard I Know but one day, maybe we’ll allow each other to excel, to realise aspirations experiences, excitement and adventure, just like we hoped for others in the first place. Well, those we love. Let’s just hope it was happiness and satisfaction we wanted for those we love, otherwise we’d have to question our definition of love and re write the list of those dearest to us. Eventual the list would dwindle like a star at dawn and realisation might overcome you as you realise you’ve scratched off your own name aswell.

What a fine & irrelevant rant this is... necessary only to clarify my own thoughts and to seek out those who believe in the process and give them hope that their decision to achieve their dream and fight for their desire was right, despite the resent of those who love and care for them. The saying goes if you love something let it free... so love it as it is, in its entirety and not as a possession with obligations.

I hope I can do this. I really do. but at the moment I'm consumed with the idea of the freedom it would give me if everyone else did it for me... let me chase down my dreams and aspirations of enlightenment, very selfish but the world has a way of teaching you every side of the task in hand, showing every point of view and gauging your reaction. Sometimes, you here it laughing at you and when you realise why, you laugh at yourself too.

-If you connected yourself to bungees of varied length and torsion, to things of varied distances from where you stood right now, in 4 dimensions, feeling the strain of those connections while you were fixed in place awaiting the release, what could be described as the beginning; where do you end up at the point of entropy, after bouncing around between situations like life sped up?  Balanced in the middle between all the forces around you…..
Balanced. You’d probably feel quite relieved too-

I hope none of this makes sense. If it does then see someone about it ;)


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