Since my hiatus from film, for reasons of work commitments and subsequent lack of free time, the rolls of 35mm in my camera sit for months at a time awaiting their exposure, an opportunity to capture a moment and place it lovingly in analogue heaven. It's a complete surprise when i finally get around to developing three films at once, to see what the hell was in that camera, lying dormant for so long. Like Christmas for five year olds actually!

This little reel was put together from 108 frames and spans at least 4 months. Not everything got through the final selection as continuity is still important when aligning images together in this manor. There's some shots of Hong Kong that may well meet stills from a much later date to provide another story of moments trapped from time, or even merge together with my digital escapades on those furiously bustling streets. A frenzy of light that town really is. But back to the moments in hand, as much for those featured within the shots and my never ending search of the perfect film for that time of light. Months in Film.

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